Girvan Old Church of St Cuthbert
Girvan Old Church of St Cuthbert was built in 1770
at head of Hamilton Street, now known as Church Square.
The Rev Roderick Lawson, in his book "Places of
Interest Around Girvan" wrote, " The Parish Church in my boyish days stood
at the head of Hamilton Street. It no longer exists, having been taken down
in 1883, and a much handsomer church erected close by. The old church was
built in 1770, and I have no doubt was a handsome edifice then, and a great
improvement on the parallelogram that did duty for a church in the
churchyard. But times change, and the old church, before it was removed, had
become an eyesore, both externally and internally. I can well remember the
earthen floor, the narrow pews guiltless of paint, the old pulpit with a
precentor's desk in front, putting one in mind of a two decker, and which,
when I was latterly permitted to preach in it, I found to be so deep that I
had to place one stool on the top of another to make myself visible. I can
remember, too, the last minister of it remarking to some members of
Presbytery who were visiting it, "The state of this church speaks for
itself." "Yes," was the reply, "it is of age, and has a full right to do
While this church was no architectural gem, it did valiant service for the
parish through Girvan's most turbulent times. During the century of its
existence, the population of the parish rose from 1100 in the year of its
erection to a peak of almost 8000 at the census of 1851, then rapidly
declining to slightly more than 4000 in the year of its demolition.
This T plan church was demolished in 1884 and replaced by a new church in
Montgomerie Street, now Girvan North Parish Church.