Over 70 people attended a Fund Raising Night on Thursday 14th February and enjoyed an excellent night of entertainment featuring the Maybole Concert Party. We were entertained with a night of singing, dancing and comedy sketches. A light supper and refreshments was also organised by our Fundraising Team and a fantastic night of entertainment was enjoyed by all.
In February our partner church in Malawi held a ground breaking ceremony on the foundations of the new church. The service was conducted by the visiting Minister, the Rev I. Msukwa. These are the photographs sent after the service.
At 1st Girvan Boys’ Brigade Annual Display on Friday 14th June, Sgt Cooper McClymont was presented with the Queen’s Badge Award. Cpl Gavin Wilson received the President’s Award. The Inspecting Officer was PC Gregor MacIntosh.
It was the end of an era in Girvan North recently when two long-standing office bearers retired. Mr Ron Gibson has been the Session Clerk for eight years and Mr James Nicol was the Treasurer for seven and a half years. During the communion service on 30th June there was a special presentation of gifts to both of them to mark their years of outstanding service to Girvan North. The oldest member of the Kirk Session, Mr Peter Noble, spoke on behalf of the congregation and elders to express their gratitude for all the dedication and tireless effort Ron and Jim have given to the church in all that time. The Depute Session Clerk, Mrs Jennifer Ramsay, presented each of them with a beautiful Bible and “a little something” to celebrate their retirement. The Bibles were leather-bound with gold-rimmed pages and each had been beautifully inscribed at the front by the well-known local artist, Ian McKenzie, with their names, the church name and the date of the presentation.