Our Harvest Thanksgiving was celebrated in the Church on Sunday 30th September 2018. The Sanctuary of the Church and the Vestibule were decorated with flowers and harvest gifts and looked really beautiful. Organising the Harvest Thanksgiving is now the responsibility of the Pastoral Care team and we would like to thank most sincerely all members and friends who gifted flowers, fruit, vegetables and groceries. In particular, we would like to thank Simpson’s the Bakers for donating the beautiful Harvest Loaf and to Girvan Early Growers for their gift of potatoes. Rev Jim Guthrie preached the sermon on “The Song of Harvest” A total of just over 100 harvest gifts were distributed to members of the congregation after the Service. Our sincere thanks to the 9 ladies who spent all of Saturday morning arranging flower baskets and posies, to Jimmy Lindsay for erecting and dismantling the staging, to Janet Arthur and her team of helpers for organising and displaying the gifts so beautifully. We also thank the elders and members who delivered the gifts on Sunday afternoon. It was a wonderful team effort and much appreciated.
Two of our elders went with Rev Shadreck Muntahli (who is Interim Moderator for our twin church Likoma) and the Rev Jailos Kamisa to tour Culzean on Tuesday 9th October. They were joined by Suzgo Phiri and Lizzie Nkhata who were staying with their hosts at Dundonald. The visit to Culzean Castle was enjoyed very much.
An entertaining social was arranged for Tuesday evening by our Outreach Team. An excellent finger buffet was provided by team members and helpers. We were joined by friends from Ballantrae and Barrhill. Music was played by Andy Jones with songs and stories from Ian McGregor. The evening ended with a presentation of gifts to Shadreck and Jailos followed by the singing of Auld Lang Syne and Andy playing the Malawi National Anthem on his accordion. An excellent evening enjoyed by all.
On the evening of Wednesday 10th October Shadreck and Jailos attended a North Parish Kirk Session meeting.
Over 60 people attended our Scotch Night on Thursday 11th October and enjoyed an excellent meal of haggis (or quiche) neeps and tatties, followed by trifle, tea and coffee. This evening was organised and the meal prepared by our Fundraising Team. Following the meal, the audience was entertained by songs, stories and music by the Rural Revellers who had hands clapping and feet tapping. A wonderful evening enjoyed by all.
We recently sent money out to our twin church in Likoma for them to purchase cement to build blocks for their much needed new church. They have sent photos of blocks which they have made, 5500 to be precise. They do have fundraisers themselves but are so grateful for our help. Thank you to all who helped in our Buy a Brick campaign.
Members of Girvan North have filled 151 Christmas boxes for Blythswood Care and donated £120 for postage. The boxes were loaded onto the Blythswood lorry at Girvan Harbour on Tuesday afternoon. Sincere thanks to everyone who supported this very worthwhile cause which will give 151 people a brighter Christmas. Special thanks to Margaret Murdoch and Irene Tyson for their work, collecting and loading the boxes.